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A project presented by the IIC Melbourne, conceived by Angelo Gioè and curated by Maurilio Cacciatore

INCROCI (CROSSINGS). Ten video-concerts of cross-art, multimedia, young creation

The young creation is more alive than ever, as are the young performers who bravely face the new repertoires by crossing them with those of past generations. The proposed concerts bring to the fore young professionals who already have long-term experience in their artistic fields and from which emerges the naturalness with which different domains find a natural meeting point on stage. The cross-art sector, where music, theatre, dance, electronics coexist together, no longer celebrates the creation of an artistic hybrid but lives on its own energy, given the awareness of a willingness on the part of composers to go beyond borders. of musical expression in the strict sense and by an increasingly curious audience to attend performances not limited to a single artistic action. In this sense, the video concert format is not a “prison of invention” but a resource that allows for a more compelling enjoyment through multiple camera angles. All the concerts celebrate Italy and the creation of their artists. The recital by Maurizio Zaccaria, a pianist already established internationally, covers three centuries of Italian music with the naturalness of someone who can afford such a high and fast flight. The voice of Ljuba Bergamelli is the driving force for the translation in motion, by the dancer Simone Magnani, of a series of pieces for solo voice, supported by amplification and electronics. It is the voice that becomes theatre and the theatre that becomes dance.The Duo Dubois has managed in a few years to attract attention to themselves and push many composers to write for them.The virtuosity of the musicians and the variety of instruments of the percussion world makes the concerts full of surprises and timbral changes, showing how much depth it can exist in the sound world they invite you to discover. The great repertoire combined with contemporary creation finds space with the newly formed piano and percussion ensemble composed of Francesca Carola, Silvia Giliberto, Matteo Savio and Filippo Capretti. Four young soloists decide to come together to celebrate historical pieces and ask today’s composers to reinterpret their training. Salvatore Catellano is a rising star of the Italian saxophone firmament. Since his debut a few years ago, many composers have worked with him and he is already considered a mature musician in dealing with the literature of his instruments. Dario Calderone is one of the most popular double bass players in Italy and abroad. Heir to the highest Italian double bass tradition, he plays a part of the most significant repertoire written for his instrument in recital. The violinist Francesco D’Orazio together with Francesco Abbrescia at electronics have built over the years a repertoire of pieces for electric violin and violin with electronics written specifically for them and which creates an independent repertoire for this five-stringed instrument. Laura Faoro (flute) and Roberta Gottardi (clarinet) are devoted to musical theater: music, movement and acting are one in the conception of the concert in the form of a show. The Quartetto Schiele is a young formation born in the music school of Fiesole and together with the great repertoire for strings and piano will also bring a new work by Marco Sebastianelli written specifically for this concert. Francesco Pellegrino is a saxophonist and composer with a strong experience in electronics and multimedia; together with the video artist Lisa Cantini they offer an audio video show in which the live performance dialogues through live electronics and real time video.

This is Italy, the country of art that the world envies us and which is exhibited in international contexts; it is the country of the artists who did not allow themselves to be defeated by the pandemic of recent years but who continued their artistic path enriching it with the responses given to the challenges of our years.



  • Organized by: IIC Melbourne